I am no longer taking donations! Enough money was raised to cover the surgery and hospital fees! Thank you everyone who has reached out to help. I am beyond grateful for your kindness. Thank you.



front page

Hi there, I’m KJ! I’m 24 years old and I live in North Carolina. Like many people, I spend most of my time working between two jobs. I graduated college with a degree in Lighting. I like to snowboard. I like to write silly songs and play guitar. I am passionate about teaching, and I love being around kids. I care about my community and environment, and I spend as much time outside as possible. I live with a cat named Phil. Another thing about me is I’m transgender. Since I can remember, I’ve lived with a deeply-rooted understanding that I am NOT female. When I was younger it was confusing growing up, feeling so unexplainably uncomfortable every time I was called a girl, or was forced into a dress on a Sunday, or told that I can no longer run around shirtless on the beach. It didn’t make any sense to me, and even as a child I felt isolated and alone- why didn’t everyone see me as the boy I knew I was? This is a feeling of dysphoria that only intensified as I grew older and more aware of my body and place in the world.



However in the last few years things have started to make a lot more sense for me. I came out as Male to my friends, family, and coworkers. I started hormone replacement therapy, which I am over 7 months into (a therapy that I will continue for the rest of my life to maintain testosterone levels that my body doesn’t naturally produce). I have worked very hard to find the courage to share my true self with the people I love, and to find the doctors and resources I need to push forward with my transition. Having surgery that will shape my chest into a male chest is the next step for me on my personal road to becoming.

How you will be helping me:

By helping me have this vital surgery you are directly and profoundly helping me live a healthier and more genuine life. I recognize how lucky I am to have the support of such great friends and family. I am also fortunate to have health insurance, but it sure won’t cover top surgery, as they consider it “cosmetic”. This is frustrating. My well-being and sense-of-self depends on having this surgery. I am personally saving, but I can’t do this on my own. It’s incredibly hard to ask for money, but this is why I am here asking you.

I’ve known for many years that I will need this surgery to be myself, and I can’t wait to feel more comfortable in my own body. My current condition is something that is hard to work through many days. No matter who you are, you are directly helping me achieve a very personal and important goal, and I am truly grateful.


A huge thank you from the bottom of my heart to you,


Estimated breakdown of  expenses:

surgery costs